A glimpse at Morbit...
This is Morbit, just another big rock floating around in space.
(Panel, shot of shit from space.)
It's got some rough quirks to it. Core is filled with sentient goop, ocean spits fireballs, and divine wrath is a little too common for anyone's comfort. Should be uninhabitable really, but life finds a way.
(Some sort of goofy diagram here.)
Land is split up between a bunch of folks who call themselves gods with a lowercase g. There's a bit of conflicting narrative on how or why they're here and frankly some of them are a little too "et tu" for my liking but I guess we wouldn't be talking without them. Gotta give them just a bit of credit, but only a little. (Gotta block this out visually)
(Need to block out this following sequence too. maybe a crowd shot)
Anyway this place isn't too bad all that considered, the folks are pretty alright.
You got the big and mysterious....
(Put like a weird giant frog god or something I dunno)
The small but proud...
(Shot of some TCPs)
...and pretty much anything in between. Won't lie to you, people can be a little rough and on edge sometimes. Shouldn't take it too personally though, at the end of the day they're all just trying to make it through. Whether it be a life of thrills or enduring the nine to five grind, you do what you gotta do.
Guess I've held you up enough though, why don't you feel free to look around?